Wadah Profesionalisme Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMK Negeri dan Swasta Jakarta Barat 2 Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Expository Reading Passage

1. Explanation and opinions
These are factual composition with thilte like “The benefits of reading” or “How to save water”. Every idea that you write down must have a factual basis. You cannot make things up the way you do in writting story. Unlike reports, which give information in an object manner, expository composition require you to give your opinions of things and explain them, for composition require you to give your opinions of things and explain them. For composition titles such as “How to play your favourite game”, or “How to save water” besides explaining your are also expected to give your opinions about what is being discussed.
2. Point to note
When writting expositiory compositions, you should:
Write in formal style
Write with clarity. When you you are required to describe how something is or ought to be done, you instructions need to be very clear for your reader to follow you.
Make sure that you organize your compisiton in a logical way. Do not write the first thing that comes into your mind.
Remember to state opinions that are sensible and support them by giving an example, a reason or quoting a reliable source.
3. Explaining steps and giving direct instructions
You can explain how something is done by describing the steps with the clear instruction: for example, when you explain how a hand puppet is made out of a white garden glove.
Save the tube from a paper towel roll or toilet tissue roll. Cut it the length of your middle fingger. Put a glove on your hand, then slip the piece of tube over the three middle finger. Close the top with masking tape to make the puppet’s head. Paint eyes, ears and mouth on the head. Stick some cotton or woll along the sides and back of the head to make hair. Finally paint the puppet’s hands, belt, buttons and the cotton wool on the glove.
The verb in italics tell you exactly, what you have to do. You may use the sequences “first”, “next”, “then” for greater coherence between sentences in your paragraph. Where would you insert them in the above paragraph?
4. Giving advice or suggestion
You can explain how something ought to be done by giving advice or suggestions for example, when you suggest steps that can be taken to prevent burglary at home when you are on holiday. You must use the expression “you should/should not” or the passive voice form “windows should be locked”.
Before going on holiday, you should make sure that your doors and windows are secure locked. The keys of your house should not be left under the rug or in a flower pot. You should cancel your newspaper subscription and ask your neighbour to remove any mail form your letter-box. The police should be informed of your absence so that they can keep an eye on your house. You should not keep cash or valuables in the house while you are away.
5. Giving instruction and advice
Sometimes a combination of the two ways—giving instructions and advice—can be used, for example, in the following composition on how to lose weight effectively.
First of all, you should set yourself a realistic goal withihn a time limit; for example, 5 kilograms in six months. You should not starve yourself. Instead, cut down on the amount of food you eat while making sure you have three balanced meals a day. Do not skip breakfast as it is the most important meals of the day.
Cut down on proteins and carbohydrates. You may eats lots of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Remember that nibbling is also eating, so avoid eating “tid-bits” because they can make you lose track of how much food you eat. If you get really hungry during the day, chew on a celery stick or carrot.
You should weigh your self every week to check the progress that you are making. Do not go on the scales daily as it can be quite discouraging not to see any changes. You should exercise daily to tone your muscles as you lose weight. Finally remember to check with your doctor before you go on any diet and let him/her look at your diet sheet
6. Discusions
When you write composition entitled “what courtesry means to me” or “My favourite television programme”, you are required to give clearly your opinions and reasons to support them. You may also want to make comparisons to drive home a point. You are in fact , discussing the topic. Thus, you should write statements which are sensibly supported.
7. Expression opinions and supporting them
You can express what you think about something with words such as:
I feel…….
I believe……..
I think………
In my opinion……………….
I find………….
2. Support your opinion by giving an illustration or a reason, which may begin with these words:
This is because …………
Since ………
Because ……
Because of ……..
The reason is……………..

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